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Grant Contacts

Pathology Grants Administration1395 Center Drive, Room D6-17Gainesville, FL 32610 Sarah H. Kazlauskas, M.S.Administrative Director, Research Administration Office: 352.273.6717…

Experimental Pathology

Cancer Diabetes Drug Discovery Head and Neck Hematologic Disorders Metabolomics Neuroinflammation & Cerebral Vascular Biology Neuropathology Molecular Pathology Core Phylogenomics Team Science Toxicology…

Resident Conferences

Resident conferences are held 3 to 4 days per week at either 8 am or 12 pm and include a variety of clinical and anatomic pathology topics.  Faculty are encouraged to teach in an interactive manner, and often include showing slides on a microscope connected to a high-resolution camera and…

Teaching and Research

Teaching Medical Students: Pathology residents assist in instructing second-year medical students in their coursework in systemic and general pathology and teach rotating third- and fourth-year medical students.Teaching Other Residents: Senior residents participate in training junior residents and residents from other services by example (e.g., gross dissection), informal instruction (e.g., at…