Pathology Core Services
Center for Cellular Reprogramming Molecular Pathology Core…
Experimental Pathology Resources
UF-Based Resources Animal Care Services (ACS)Division of Sponsored Research (DSR)…
Graduate Students and Predoctoral Fellows
Atkinson Laboratory Mollie Huber Anna Rushin…
Postdoctoral Associates and Fellows
Atkinson Laboratory Denise Drotar, Ph.D. Alexandra Rippa , Ph.D.
Grant Contacts
Pathology Grants Administration1395 Center Drive, Room D6-17Gainesville, FL 32610 Sarah H. Kazlauskas, M.S.Administrative Director, Research Administration Office: 352.273.6717…
Experimental Pathology
Cancer Diabetes Drug Discovery Head and Neck Hematologic Disorders Metabolomics Neuroinflammation & Cerebral Vascular Biology Neuropathology Molecular Pathology Core Phylogenomics Team Science Toxicology…
Resident Conferences
Resident conferences are held 3 to 4 days per week at either 8 am or 12 pm and include a variety of clinical and anatomic pathology topics. Faculty are encouraged to teach in an interactive manner, and often include showing slides on a microscope connected to a high-resolution camera and…
Teaching and Research
Teaching Medical Students: Pathology residents assist in instructing second-year medical students in their coursework in systemic and general pathology and teach rotating third- and fourth-year medical students.Teaching Other Residents: Senior residents participate in training junior residents and residents from other services by example (e.g., gross dissection), informal instruction (e.g., at…